Dear U.N., Please, Hear My Plea for Collective Safety.

Dear United Nations,


I write to report a Life-Threatening UK Healthcare Crisis involving patients detained (sectioned) and mistreated for complex psychosis under The Mental Health Act (1983).  The active crisis that threatens thousands of UK citizen’s lives, sanity and long-term right to health and safety was reported to the following accountable professionals on 1st May 2024:

– Prime Minister of the UK, The Right Honourable Rishi Sunak MP.
– Secretary of State for Health and Social Care, The Right Honourable Victoria Atkins MP.
– Chief Executive of NHS England, Ms. Amanda Pritchard [direct contact made 12.05.2024].
– Chief Executive of NHS Scotland, Ms. Caroline Lamb [direct contact made 17.05.2024].
– Chief Executive of NHS Wales, Ms. Judith Paget [direct contact made 17.05.2024].
– A high volume of national journalistic parties, including The BBC, ITV News, Sky News, The Guardian, The Observer, The Times, The Telegraph, The Independent, Evening Standard, Daily Mirror, Daily Mail, The Sun, The Economist, The Scotsman, The Irish Times, Canary, Morning Star, Manchester Evening News, Metro, and even Watchdog BBC (a number of these responsible reporting bodies were, in fact, informed in February 2024).

The report of the crisis, as well as the proposed solution, was also delivered to His Majesty King Charles III, The Prince of Wales, and The Duke of Sussex.  It was sent to every member of parliament on the same day, as I invited over 750 individuals to become formal and legal witnesses to the crisis handover.  To date, not one professional with a legal obligation to safeguard these vulnerable and dying patients from the gross negligence that is leading to a collective act of gross-negligent manslaughter, en masse, has even respondedThe numerous deaths are predictable, as is the slow, observable loss of identity, cognitive functioning, physical activeness, dignity, and all else, before, eventually, and almost certainly, premature, torturous, acutely painful death.

This report is a personal one to me because one of the victims is censored censored censored censored with a first-class degree and a beautiful life remembered as their past.  They were supposed to be saved, that is the law here in this country, but they weren’t.  Many others, thousands in fact, sit in the same position, with the same incomprehensibly treated, or worse, totally untreated, specific form of complex psychosis (‘complex psychosis’ presents when a patient has a primary diagnosis of psychosis, which is made all the more complicated by one or more additional diagnoses – censored censored censored censored censored censored censored censored censored censored censored censored), which is why I have devoted years towards creating an online platform that aims to serve a country seeking collective justice for the numerous crimes being committed (I have a feeling there will be more reports from me once the public see what we can achieve together, after we find the evidence presented in plain sight). 

This case of long-term neglect fuelled by personal prejudice, bias and ignorance, as well as social/systematic inequality, has been revealed to be viciously life threatening to thousands of untreated complex patients.  Censored censored censored censored Censored censored censored censored Censored censored censored censored Censored censored censored censored Censored censored censored censored Censored censored censored censored.  The damages incurred result directly from recurring NHS negligence and mistreatment; now, we demand a fully qualified specialist team, to be seconded from the USA, the only country studying this specific [mental health disorder] comorbidity with determination.  Furthermore, Gabor Mate must be employed as an expert advisor, his wealth of knowledge, experience and his many successes need become the only justification for this request.  The NHS and Parliament must move to repair what ill-prepared ‘responsible clinicians’ broke – an entire human being’s life and chance of long-term recovery.  Research informed, scientific, wholistic and comprehensive reparative actions have been demanded as a clinical response to the exposed medical crimes, yet no actions appear to have been directed by the Chief Executive of NHS England, the penultimate responsible party, before Parliament. 

It was left up to us, the family, to keep my loved one alive until doctors safeguarded them censored censored censored, which took years, and they are still unsafe in their untrained, unqualified care because no regulated treatment pathway exists and the highest qualified professionals across the UK appear to be clinical nurses.  I have submitted numerous Freedom of Information Act Requests, the responses confirm this as the frightening reality, which is why I feel confident submitting this report to the UN today, if I do not, an entire vulnerable demographic in the UK will continue to have their medical needs perversely ignored, right up to the point of premature death.  Their medical treatment pathway is supposed to be guaranteed by many Acts of Parliament, and numerous violations of human rights have been committed, from the 1st May onwards, these crimes have been knowingly committed in parliamentary view, and they continue to be enabled in full awareness.

My loved one deteriorated beyond what is reasonable, humane and lawful, a fact I have evidence of, something known by many consultants employed to save lives.  The damages were recorded in real time, I have evidence of every crime resulting in near death experiences and acute pain for us, the family.  We were forced to watch something torturous and unbearable for years when a [dying] patient was left in our hands, only to get worse and worse as we screamed for help and nobody came.  It was all reported as it happened and has been recorded in emails, letters, audio recordings and photographs, which were submitted directly to Chief Executives and Directors of the National Health Service (NHS), as well as to complaints departments, local members of parliament, and even the Ombudsman and local commissioning groups. 

Not one key or influential government stakeholder has ever responded with integrity or care in the crisis, nobody has ever acknowledged reality and attempted to save the lives they are contracted and paid to save.  Everybody knows this is happening, they have for years, but people are being left to die without consequence.  Of course, the people on the ground seem to be fully empathetic, and we have indeed met some angels incarnated in human form.  All I mean to say is that this complaint is balanced with gratitude, for those who did help us to the best of their ability.  I would go so far as to say that the staff too, have become victims of this institutionalised negligence, as they are probably forced to watch those they were trained to save wither and disintegrate instead, simply because they are not empowered to help patients in any meaningful, ethical, or up to date ways anymore.

In fact, I happen to think that, should The United Nations involve themselves in an impartial and independent investigation, they would have thousands of witnesses attesting to the crimes relayed in the key handover document submitted to Parliament et al., Manifesto for Change: Dual-Diagnosis and Disparity’.  I imagine, all you need do is apply for a warrant to inspect the many complaints made to ‘PALS’, the NHS’ Patient’s Advice and Liaison Service.  They are useless.  I have no words.  But please do start your investigation with my case, as well as a full inspection of the complaints made over the past twenty years before reviewing the meaningless, impact-less, non-remedial responses given by an untouchable PALS.  You are guaranteed to find the many crimes being ignored.  In our world, the professionals are safer than the patients, is this ethical in any way?

The Manifesto for Change outlines the crisis in focus thoroughly and presents a viable solution to parliament, who have a duty of care to respond with actions, not rhetoric, nor silence.  Furthermore, parliament do not get to choose the timing of this crisis’ reveal, how uncaring, unethical and unlawful of them.  We have a general election coming up, it was scheduled for the beginning of January 2025; in the month after I submitted the crisis handover, the election was brought forward, now every politician is distracted and busy canvassing.  Should their vanity driven agendas trump the saving of human lives in the thousands?  Is that choice representative of a safe governing body?


Surely, saving human life outweighs all other agendas?  But not for, apparently, the UK parliamentary representatives.  Please would you help parliament reprioritise their agendas and urge them to see that they have a duty of care to uphold, they have the law to uphold, just like the rest of us.  Please also reinforce that to neglect the opportunity to save human lives, those protected and preserved under present legislation, is a crime they are now knowingly and presently committing.

Rather than re-communicate anything more, I will forward to you the address made to parliament on 1st May 2024 (see email below), as well as the letters sent to the responsible parties held accountable since (please see letter links at the end of this email).  I pray that you might deliberate upon the crisis in the way I can only hope those I’ve already written to have.  Without a response, I have no idea what is going on in their heads, or whether they will act responsibly.  As a point of safeguarding my people further, with urgency, I do wish to note that many human rights have been sacrificed in parliament’s attempt to ‘save money’, as they squeeze the vital lifesaving and life-preserving services that the working class people fought for many decades ago, by skimming already strained budgets.  We are feeling the pinch, here at the bottom of the rung, and it is only the beginning…

We are also fined huge amounts of money because those in power make up rules that permit them to milk us for all we have, which isn’t enough anymore.  We battle powerlessly against the constant patterns of cost-of-living inflation, which is never matched with salary increases.  We have been outpriced of an acceptable quality of life, and it is abhorrent, considering how truly wealthy and stable I know my country to be (I have visited the developing world and I know my country’s privilege, and these violations against our health and safety are abhorrent acts of greed that must be interrupted with haste, the long term health of our children depends on it).  I even hear teenagers commenting in the local shop about how expensive the candies are this year.  It is a madness that we must remain the constant powerless victims of the wealthy… of very well protected criminals.

Other silly things happen in our country, less overt crimes, but violations of right-to-life-saving funding, nonetheless, I refer to occurrences like a London Mayor spending over £6 million on renaming six railway lines.  That money would have saved my loved one’s life, do you see???  Parliament have spun many webs of falsehood, and every sticky illusion leads to a life lost.  That is the UK that we now live in.  I will also take this opportunity to highlight further human rights violations presently occurring in the UK.  Apparently, Brexit was a long-con, The Tories ensured we were stripped of European Union protection before swiftly moving to make money by selling our collective right to health, safety, life without avoidable sickness, and longevity.  Anyone with a brain can see they lined up their agendas and let the carnage fall like dominoes; with the media seemingly complicit in this crime, we do need your help, and fast, please.  We are being terrorised by our own government and they made certain our neighbours couldn’t step in to save us from the crimes they are committing in plain sight, without fear of consequence:

– 36 pesticides known to cause harm have now been permitted for use.  13 of them are labelled as ‘Highly Hazardous’.  All have been banned by The EU.

– We now find products on the shelves that come with small print cancer and birth defect warnings (only started happening post-Brexit).

– Our food now has labels stating clearly that it is ‘Not for EU’, meaning one thing, it does not meet European Union Health and Safety Standards and Regulations.  Parliament will neither confirm nor deny their attack on public welfare and potential longevity in this instance, they allow the ‘rules’ of these labels to remain obscure, alas, the long-con continues.

– We are losing our water safety, therefore, we are on course for losing life in many forms.

– We now also have new ‘American Pharmaceuticals’ trickling into our system, those with higher addiction risks, therefore, higher risks of damages and harm, those no one in our healthcare system is qualified to treat effectively, safely and comprehensively (see Manifesto regarding Dual-Diagnosis and Disparity).

– I’d also like to request an inspection of any long-term damage that may have been caused by the fracking that commenced many years ago now.

Our doctors and nurses have not been trained to resolve mass pesticide poisoning, toxic/chemical-food-poisoning, nor cancers caused by toxic products with small print warnings of early death.  Will parliament move swiftly to prevent the predictable suffering of parents whose children are likely to be born with these predicted birth defects?  The government have now permitted a seller’s right to be causing predictable and long-term, life threatening damage and harm to multiple physical bodies (and minds), including those of children.  I have become the victim of a complex, sinister crime of The Tories, so too, have my people.  Should someone be unable to have a child one day because they purchased a bathmat made in California instead of France, and did not read the label that stated clearly, in tiny writing, that this might happen to them one day?  What about those with illiteracy, are they the first easy victims, or teenagers uninterested in checking whether the next item they buy will mean they cannot have children when they try to?  We are being made unsafe in a way the country has no way to remedy in the years ahead.  Or, will the delivered remedy be presented to us simply as, more pharmaceuticals?  Our doom is set, it is visible and no longer an abstract concept for The People of the UK.  Please save us from those terrorising our minds, hearts and bodies.

This is what I, one person have observed and witnessed so far, since Brexit.  Our parliament tricked our people, they blasted fear into the atmosphere by monopolising mainstream agendas some years back, frightening everybody towards their gates of hell, shepherding everyone towards poor health and then, very dangerous, unethical healthcare paradigms.  That is the collective, massive, inhumane crime that I have observed to have occurred as a point of being a woman who takes note of ‘The Big Picture’.  Systematically, a plan has been enacted to dismantle public health, safety and welfare, it is a collective crime being committed right in front of our eyes, and we are powerless, parliament made certain of it when they stripped us of our safety by running the herd out of The European Union.

Crimes are crimes:

– Intent to harm the physical body of the population (or at least those who cannot afford safe food, thus, our Equality Act is violated daily too).

– Malicious intent to harm a democratic voting process (just look back over what was sent out by The BBC, ITV, and national newspapers during the years leading up to Brexit.  It was a one-way shepherding, nothing ethical or moral about it).

– Unethical, prejudice regimes, those favouring the welfare of big businesses over the working classes, the environment, and mental/physical health of infants, children and young people who are still developing.

– Mismanagement of tax-payer funds (it is not the government’s money, it is ours, and they are stealing more, spending it how they want, and punishing us with restrictions, reduced safety and also, an invasion of privacy at the same time).  It is complex, but I assure you, the UK Government have broken too many laws out in the open for any international safeguarding and protection agency to ignore the threats positioned towards the health, safety and longevity of The People of the UK.

Please, some international hero, hear my voice, it is one of the billions, I know, but I advocate for my people today, we are in danger, many do not know it because the news doesn’t report with integrity, not anymore.  They are in someone’s pocket, that much is evident.  Please, help me to expose realities to my people and guide them towards saving ourselves from perverted, greedy, emotionally empty tyrants who have cocooned themselves and their crimes under the protection of The Houses of Parliament.

I will now forward you to AnaMaria.Org, where many agendas are presented as a starting point for collective change; we are positioning ourselves to serve the most vulnerable demographic of our country, untreated patients with complex psychosis and dual-diagnosis:

Manifesto for Change: Dual-Diagnosis and Disparity
Dual Diagnosis Treatment Pathways: Where Are They?
Unsafe Person Report
Unsafe Discharge Report
Memorial for The Abandoned
Independent Data Collection Project
Counting The People’s Losses and Damages

I am working in collaboration with Faith in Change Publishing Ltd., a start-up with their eyes on conscious evolution, who are encouraging our people to unite as one voice and to write for change.  Enough people know we are victims, but those in power are the culprits, so what do we do, but ask you for humanitarian aid?   With gracious thanks for your time, expertise and help.  We need safeguarding as a people, and you are the last place I expected to turn, alas, it is where the situation is at today.

Yours faithfully,

Ana Maria Santuario.

p.s. Please refer yourself to the additional letters sent, those addressed to King Charles III, the UK Prime Minister, Chief Executives of NHS UK, Doctors of the UK, and more:

Your Majesty, Please Help Us.
Dear Parliament, I Now Hold You Responsible.
Dear NHS Chief Executives, Stand With The People, Please.
Mental Health and Carers Charities, Please, Stand With Us!
This game we are playing is about ACCOUNTABILITY, as well as HUMAN LIFE! (Letter to NHS England)
The Clock is Ticking For Too Many, Sir. (Letter to Prime Minister of the UK)
Dear NHS Scotland and NHS Wales… This is an NHS UK Crisis!
Dear UK GPs, Are You Ready to Treat Pesticide Poisoning?
I Spy, Cancer-Causing Products.
Let us FIND THE MONEY ourselves!
– I have also attached the letter sent to The Right Honourable Keir Starmer, Leader of The Labour Party, on 10th June 2024.

Every letter was sent via email, with important handovers being sent in the post via a recorded mail service.  I have evidence that The UK Prime Minister and Secretary of State for Health and Social Care received their parcels on 2nd May 2024.  The delivery was made to Amanda Pritchard, Chief Executive of NHS England, on 15th May 2024.  To date, no professional has replied.

If you are interested in learning about The United Nations and the support they can offer in this case, do visit these links, where you can begin to explore your own Human Rights too:

*The letter can be downloaded here:

© Santuario, Ana Maria (2024). Letters to The World. Faith in Change Publishing, London.

Calling for international aid, not something I thought we’d be doing. Alas, here we are.

Faith in Change Publishing are setting the context for change by actually hearing the people when they speak. Let us find the common threads of pain and ask for what is required to ease the unnecessary, resolvable, harmful levels of suffering here in the UK; and you know what, perhaps we should do that before we look overseas and try to tell other countries how to govern, educate and heal their communities, those made up of entirely different mixed cultures and histories, and who have the power to figure out how to move ahead for themselves. Let us stand as an empowered nation and become the force to be reckoned with on home soil! Let us save ourselves and offer hope to others, for that is all we now have as an overpopulated country declining en masse, and travelling towards a very unhappy, unstable, desperate way of life. Our once beautiful capital city is presently growing into a new Tokyo; I’m watching it happen… is that what we want, The People, or do we have other plans that do not result in such ugly lives for millions of people, who are soon to be squashed into high rises full of expensive boxes to live in? The Rich will let that become our world because it benefits them, but is it what WE want??? Or do we call for the return of craftsmanship, of sculpted building exteriors and internal spaces that do not suffocate those living inside of them? Do we want to grow a population as huge as China? Do we want that as our future? Because we are on track for it. Let us start choosing and interrupt the terror that is, The Capitalists who are enabled by Parliament, those who decide everything for us, without a vote).
selective focus photo of purple petaled flowers
Do you have a letter that you wish to send to the world?

Submissions are open at Faith in Change Publishing, who are creating anthology, after anthology, of UK-focused human interest stories. By claiming our right to our Freedom of Speech in this professional, unguarded, potentially anonymous manner, does the age old tradition of letter writing lend itself to the call for equality, freedom, safety and change?

Collectively, Ana Maria Ltd., The Ana Maria Foundation and Faith in Change Publishing Ltd., work to gather intelligence by embracing the ancient wisdom and power of storytelling. Such powerful data collection can do nothing but provoke change and force forward motion. It is only in the denial and silencing of reality that suffering persists. The foundations have been laid, let us see what we can grow when we work together, for the good of everyone on our soil.

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