Writing to the World


I know what it means to have little in the way of financial stability and security. I know poverty, I know ill-health and welfare concerns, I know the cage of desperate times, when you’re in need but have not a person, nor a place, to turn to. Turn to me here, I will not abandon you. You must take the steps to your new destination, but I can shine the light ahead, so you never wander lost and alone, and where I have not traversed, I will never pretend to have been, but I can stand beside you and just be here, quietly witnessing your journey.

It took me years of self-inquiry to reach this safe haven found only within my own self… and as with every navigator who landed some place new, I drew a map, only mine comes in words, not pictures of lines and division – and these words you can use to find your own way through your own maze of self. There is a whole new world you can explore from wherever your starting point is… the beginning of this journey takes no money, zero travel, and can start today, if you so desire.

I welcome all human beings to engage with me and my works, since love is the key to humanity’s freedom, and freedom, dear ones, must be born from within! I hereby invite all who feel inclined to write to me to do so, and am honoured to be trusted with your stories. It may take time to believe it, but you can feel safe to tell me anything, since I will never condemn nor judge you, and will simply direct you towards the light that already exists within you, if only you knew how to seek and find it.

With love, Ana Maria Santuario.

P.S. Click here to jump to your three options of correspondence with me.

P.P.S. Here is my first letter to the world, presenting an invitation to correspond through your channel of choice.

I am sorry for your suffering… sometimes these are the only words appropriate. And if I speak them your way, it’s not because I don’t see you… it’s because I do.”

Ana Maria Santuario, 2022.

I’m just here to hold space…

Being alone hurts, being ignored when you’re in pain even more so, there is often nothing a person can do when you’re in such pain, except promise not to abandon you and leave you all alone. Not everybody knows how to do that, but I will offer you this promise… I will not abandon you! I will never minimise your suffering or pretend that you must be alright. I will provide the honesty required to nudge you forward, when it feels right to do so, but mostly, I will hear your thoughts, prayers and pleas for change, and bear witness to your plight. This may be a transformative connection when received graciously and with gratitude.

“Letting another’s light guide you home towards an unknown destination is always how this life works, but you need to follow the right light; the trick is to find a legitimate one, and follow with a faith in yourself above all else. Never hand over your power to another, it means you are already lost, and there are those in the world who will take advantage that!”

Ana Maria Santuario, 2021.

Can I help you?

Nobody can help you but yourself, and I support that endeavour by guiding the direction of your compass. By standing in the light and seeing the path ahead of you (only because I traversed it already), I can aid direction, reflect very necessary self-compassion, and assist with insight into deeper truths. Health and wellbeing can be a challenge to maintain when in crisis or a form of recovery, heck, they can be a challenge for the ‘healthiest’ of people when committing to self-inquiry, which can be a destabilising journey, this is why solid foundations can aid your trajectory homewards (aka, inwards). Please check out the Self-Help Library for support towards developing the necessary skills and tools to make your life journey safer, easier, and healthier. There are many ‘cans’ in life, but, ‘Can I help you?’ has only one answer – No, but I can teach you to help yourself… and that, my dear ones, is the road to freedom!

“Helping yourself is empowering, building tools of resilience, compassionate acceptance, and an awareness of what your reality actually consists of, can all be helpful when it comes to seeking, be that the seeking of change, peace or less pain. The mind can be delusional, imaginative and maddeningly noisy, but beneath these calls for attention, it can become your best asset in life… a tool like no other, but only if trained to be so!”

Ana Maria Santuario, 2021.

Am I ready?

As outlined in my debut publication, ‘Faith, In Stories That Change‘, changing the stories you tell about yourself can be shocking as well as enlightening, and ultimately, by poking away at the illusions causing or perpetuating your pain, the intensity of your suffering can lessen with just a change in perspective. Yet there seems to be one rule that I have experienced as constant – The only way is through… By denying your truth by way of believing in an illusion, you feed the lies you tell yourself. I will not ever judge this pattern of self-preservation, since my own truths were cripplingly painful, destabilising, heart-wrenching, and tough to swallow whole, which is why my journey intuitively spread itself out across seven years. Waking up to yourself in order to become freer, lighter and less weighted by your stories of old means emptying the backpack of energy you carry around with you daily – and that can be tiring and hard work. Making sure you feel ready is key, although for some of you, life presents unavoidable mirrors that you cannot turn away from – embrace it, that is the light welcoming you home…

“The way I see it, we are all born with a backpack, and in this backpack, we collect experiences. We are naturally born with beautiful gifts and interests in this backpack, for some of us it is music, for others, art, perhaps scientific pursuit, or a passion and flare for dance, or even just a joy of learning… but for too many, this given light gets buried beneath junk inherited from a dark, dark world. Some people’s light is destined to shine, no matter their life experiences, for the greater good needed them to serve its purpose… but what nobody teaches at school, is how to shine anyway, whatever life throws at you – because to shine, to feel your own essence and authentic make-up, has to become a human right! Maybe one day, far from now, humans will wake up to joy being the thing we teach, and we live in a world wherein every human being born has been blessed with their right to discover, be, and express themselves. “

Ana Maria Santuario, 2018.

How much does it all cost?

There is a way this goes… you write to me, I write back… you get to choose how much you pay for my support. I don’t do this because I am not worth your payment, I do this because you are worthy of my energy and time, no matter where you reside on the socio-economic ladder. With love, I offer my hands to all who reach out to hold them, and in return, I ask only that you give what you can, and for those unable to give a thing, thank you for staying safe, I honour the courage it takes to make this choice for yourself. Taking care of yourself is your duty to the light, for an unwell you cannot ever contribute wellness to the world around you. If you feel like you need to say thanks in some way or another because monetarily is not a possibility, we advocate the ‘pass it forward’ ethos, whereby, when you have the time, safety and stability enough, we encourage you to offer love to this world by passing on links, printed resources, and even a smile or helping hand. No act of love is greater than another, for love is quite simply, love.

If you have the financial fluency and security to support this platform, please read more about the ‘Honesty Box Payments’, whereby our community is asked to pay only what is safe and affordable, or check out the donations page and support The Ana Maria Foundation, which funds everything free that you find, except the correspondence programmes and services, which Ana Maria Santuario does not get paid for, unless honesty payments can be made. Thanks for anything you offer, all is warmly appreciated and gratefully received.

How to write to Ana Maria Santuario?

There are three avenues into writing with Ana Maria which can be found below, please read through the Health and Safety policy first, to ensure you comprehend what ‘taking responsibility for yourself’ looks like. Since Ana Maria cannot take the weight of your life stories, and any fall out you might experience from delving deeply into yourself will be yours to own and respond to. A measure of self awareness is required before touching upon harder truths, as will be safety, security, mindful strategies of self-care, and perhaps an external support network, such as therapy, counselling or other healing modalities, such as reiki, yoga, sound work, and more. The Self-Help Library can assist you towards self-care and the development of resilience strategies, but on occasion, more may be required. It is important to note that Ana Maria is a Self-Inquiry expert, not a counsellor or psychological professional. She looks at patterns, programming and core stories, all of which, when noticed, can bring up harder things to process and find release from. Being ready for that is YOUR RESPONSIBILITY and thing maintain an awareness of.

“The light only reflects back that which love is, utterly accepting of you as your whole, without conditions, and full of compassion. Yet love can also mean honesty, harsh truths, and a kick up the rear! Love gives only what you need, for some it may be forgiveness, a quiet witness, which means you seek to confess something out loud and without judgement; for others, they need to stick up a hand and ask something of the light; and others want to dive into it all, which means the darkness too; for light and dark go hand in hand, at least until the day the darkness surrenders all of itself back to the light, and returns itself to the oneness from whence it came.”

Ana Maria Santuario, 2022.

Correspondence Channels:

Click here to start your journey with the pen-pal correspondence service.

This is a longer term service, one which requires you to fill in an application form that will be sent to you before you commence communications. Ana Maria Santuario is a problem solver, and although she will not ever be able to solve your concerns for you, she can direct, suggest, hear you, and simply hold space, when nothing can be done except be here for you. Self inquiry can be challenging, tiring and lonely, waking up to yourself is full of moments of grief, sadness, rage and solitude, and this hand from Ana Maria is intended to provide those of you in a process of transformation with the help she never had.

Click here to submit a question for Ana Maria to answer.

Here you can ask anything, and you will receive an email in answer to your submission within 10 working days. Ana Maria likes to share the answers she writes on the blog, since she feels that sharing her answers publicly may hold the key to widening the impact of each person’s inquiry. Rest assured, anonymity is always protected and preserved. However, there is an opt-out clause you have the right to choose, should you feel the need. Remember, there are no stupid questions, only fear stopping you from speaking something inside of you that is asking to be spoken aloud (or in this case, asking to be written and read by another).

Click here to make an safe and anonymous confession to Ana Maria.

Confessing to release, lighten your load, and forgive yourself your sins, can be healing. Seeking external forgiveness amounts to the seeking of external validation, far better to seek forgiveness from yourself. Standing alone in your own darkest recesses can be daunting and lonely, here you may just find resolution and redemption by offering up your darkest parts to the light. This is a one-way channel, where the worst and hardest things to bear can be processed, communicated, and let go of, 100% anonymously, all with Ana Maria’s love sitting on the other side. Your key to freedom sits within, but this step can help you let go of some stuff…

“Confessions into a safe and anonymous space can be freeing, to explore your darkness safely and without judgement is a gift from the light. For you to be able to say, ‘Hey, I killed a person and cannot find peace with it,’ can be a really important step towards finding peace. I am not here to judge you for these sorts of things, I am here to guide you inwards towards loving yourself exactly as you come – and in order to do that, I must show you how to be loved, by loving you without conditions…”

Ana Maria Santuario, 2021.

A Letter from Ana Maria Santuario to you, extending an invitation to write back:

Dear one,

Do not be afraid to reveal yourself… have you committed a crime and really need to share your reality? Do you struggle with suicidal thoughts? Did you murder another human being? All sin arises from too much pain and suffering, and I am not one to judge you; I will hear you, breathe love into your pain, and simply sit by you as you are walking on your way back towards who you really are at the core of these things – love itself.

If your wish is to become honest with another, you’re in the right place. In truth, we find our peace; in the light, we may see our darkest shadows more clearly and come to accept that they may always be there, but at least we have the chance to tuck them into a more comfortable and manageable position. In self-work, we simply practice the art of self-acceptance, there is no greater advice I may provide than to accept yourself exactly as you are right now, in this very moment – if you are unable to do that safely, we will walk slowly together and look at why.

Many self-help guides and other related experts in the field of self-work will compare you to a picture they create of better, more, perfect, a picture of a reality that doesn’t always exist, especially if you are a normal human being living with a relative amount of pain and suffering, just like they likely are. I’m also relatively normal and have endured untold levels of suffering, I too present with common human traits and behaviours, which can include temporary spells of self-indulgence and narcissistic patterns; I am generally a bit weird and quirky, as well as sometimes being desperately dark and depressing. I am a whole and complicated human, who, along with her light, comes too with her dark! We all do!

As complicated as we all are, it seems appropriate to highlight that no one has a one size fits all answer, if they say that they do, well, please question their intentions as well as their integrity. It seems likelier that you may be able to find your own perfect fit scenario, with a little support and cheer leading along the way. You are utterly unique, as too will your path. We can talk, dig a little deeper, and find out what may work for the individual that YOU are! Don’t like meditation, no worries, it can feel like tortured time-wasting to so many, so let’s look at the alternatives? Rage a lot? Let’s let go of the shame and find a healthy way to release that stuff… together.

I will not, and never can, promise change or that you’re going to find the answers you’re looking for, but I will be by your side, that’s the only thing I can promise, especially when you really sit within the realms of reality and my actual non-existent power to influence your world and life (which includes the internal, as well as the external aspects of it all). However, when you come to play this game with me – the great experiment of getting to know yourself, you will discover so very much; and discoveries in and of yourself are the miracle that you need to experience for yourself. To know yourself, to commit to yourself, in whatever way works for you, is the only thing required to step forward into this sphere of self-work and transformation.

Transformation takes many forms, one can transform pain into a learning journey; a person can change the eyes that they see the world through when they experience something to jolt their perception of reality, oftentimes it melts back into the stories of old, but you can trust that it will linger on within you somehow, some place; one can transform their reality externally with perseverance, patience, and the reprogramming of their own thought patterns (neuro-scientists and other modern sciences are catching up to what the ancients practiced as ways of life); and there can be a gigantic shift in your inwards alignment when your energetic makeup enters your awareness and comes into focus for your attention and intended clearing.

The world has changed, but not everyone has caught up to reality, a reality that exists as a medley of spirituality, science, ancient wisdom and modern knowledge. Here, in this space, we aim to bring all aspects of self together, in the wholistic view of your entirety, individuality, and basic human needs. Love can be counted as a basic human need, for starved of it a human dies young, metaphorically speaking – a death of the self is the one I speak of here. Loving yourself can bring you back to the land of the living, and that is what heaven can be for a world stuck in these perpetual cycles of pain and hell. For heaven, dear ones, does not have to mean the death of your physical body, just the death of your ego, or self, something I know a bit about.

There can be no easy route home, no fast-track staircase to heaven… only a journey back along the road that brought you to today! If you have lingering pain, hidden trauma, and other stories containing your psyche and soul, well, let’s begin with the first step… taken when you choose to write to me via the correspondence channel that feels right to you in this very moment. There are no wrong steps, only your path and the one destination that sits at the end of all journeys… Love.

Please return to your options now, and take it from there, click this link to return to the three outlines of what services are available to you here at anamaria.org. If you have read this far, my intuitive guidance tells me that you’re more than ready, and any fear that says otherwise is only there because the unknown feels scary, almost always… So, pen-pal with me, ask me a question, or confess something, because doing nothing results only in sameness… and if new and different call from your own depths of self and soul… step forward and commit to your own light, by stepping forwards into my own.

With love, I wish you all the best, whatever your decision is today,

Ana Maria Santuario xo

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