About the Longevity Fund

Dearest Donor,

We thank you for contemplating a donation today, and for learning more about where your money goes. Our aim is to create a world of transparency, especially where charitable endeavours are concerned, since your good intentions are worth honouring with due respect and value placed against your faith in us here at The Ana Maria Foundation.

This world is not so safe financially, and a world built around greed and taking advantage of those more vulnerable must come to an end if we are to create and sustain harmony and peace. It always begins small, but every seed, when nourished with good energy and sunshine, can grow into a mighty oak, strong enough to withstand the winds of time. Storms will come to rattle the branches, leaves will fall, but rooted as we intend to be, with your help, we aim to last beyond the lives of each of us here today, which is what this Longevity Fund is all about.

We intend to create a space that doesn’t disappear, to make safety the welcoming factor here, and to uphold the value of human life by honouring it with the care and due attention that it is owed, which includes the human heart and mind, just as much as the body… and if we are to become a global support framework, one we can hand down to the next generations, if we are to stand still as a trusted and reliable space that people can lean into and come to for learning, healing, growth and transformation, as I do indeed envision, well, we must outlast ourselves.

This will be a growing space built upon the values of mutual trust, faith, honour, humility and equality; a space with infinite capacity for growth and change, for without limits placed around the known world, we continue expanding into unknown territories, those wherein the treasures and keys to a healthier and more peaceful world lie. We must take note of our responsibility to those yet to be born, learn from those already dead, and ready our children with all they will need… the right knowledge, and wisdom… which I happen to call, Love.

Love is no empty word, it requires action, space and light to grow outwards… and when a child’s love tries to grow, it can become stunted, squashed and even killed, by a world unknowing of how to fertilise their life journey into health, happiness, contentment and joy. When we come to a space that ponders such matters, we must first go within, to our own source of love and compassion, which is why The Self-Help Library matters so much. Change will inevitably take time, but where there is a constant source to tap into (i.e. here), and nobody’s physical death makes the light dwindle and diminish, it just becomes this raging fire, a flame with no end, a guiding candle in the dark, when that occurs… well, we win! Love wins! Life, wins!

And when we do that TOGETHER, no one person matters more than the whole, no revolution can be squashed when the revolution turns within, not a single life matters more than all of them put together; and I have chosen to dedicate my time on earth towards these matters of heart and mind, those which saved my family, those which can save others, those which are born from the light to lead us back into it. Blessings to one and all who brave these waters of change with me, I am grateful for you and really appreciate what an open heart and mind it takes to jump into this story with me. When you have lived in this world, become suspicious of it, and reliant on fear to guide you, joining the Love Club can be daunting, but I can promise you this one thing – it will always, just ALWAYS, be worth it.

With love,

Ana Maria Santuario.

“All the littles make lots, no amount is too small and we are thankful for every single penny. Blessings to all with faith enough in our purpose to support this platform, and beyond.”

Ana Maria Santuario, 2022

So, why the longevity fund?

The answer is simple really, last year we watched a beautiful online support platform for those trying to recover from their addictions fall away into the ether… It was truly sad since the content was innovative and relevant, and such a great change was present in the new and less-stigmatised stories told about it all. It was fuelled by experience and science, two of life’s more reliable teachers… You could tell the creator was devastated in their email notice sent to all who had been learning from their hard work, and the main explanation for this occurrence was a lack of financial aid and funding. We hope to track down that person and invite them to offer their contribution to this platform eventually. It’s so exciting to imagine all creators, healers, teachers, here in one space, preserving that which MUST be preserved, acting as the masters of old would expect, holding onto the books before they were burned, standing in front of the swords chopping down knowledge and trees and temples…

Yet we turn to our collective future and choose to be deliberate in what we preserve, thus holding onto more recent and relevant stories, siphoning off that which is most useful, powerful and impactful, especially within the span of a lifetime or two. All knowledge, if truly useful, will have a use and apply pathway, a purposeful place in society. We aim to ensure that the delivery of said stories, or lessons, are scaffolded and structured in such a way that any human being can enjoy the journey of learning and inwards expansion, no matter who they are, where they live, or how much money they possess. There can be no holding onto that which is most valuable – usable knowledge, especially that which helps a person improve their own quality of life, or that of another’s. Such knowledge is the right of all to receive, for the key to peace, humility and gratitude is down that shared road.

Many years ago, those in power hid knowledge from the poorest of folk, all in the name of control, power, dominance and greed – and that has not changed much beyond the illusion of it having done so. But together, being wiser, stronger and more systematic, we aim to build something new and not even bother with changing that which has been designed to be impossible to change. Reliant on selfishly designed infrastructures and societal systems as the world has become there has to be something new created where the old refuses to adapt and change with the times, and in line with real human needs. There is a key to a new world, and that is building it from solid foundations and up. Sadly, in our lifetime, we are unlikely to see the fruits of this collective labour, but perhaps our children’s children can live free from the plagues of society’s shared stories of suffering and struggle.

Inwards is where it beings for us, but eventually, what grows inwardly must too grow outwardly, however, there can be no shortcuts… we must let go of it all to begin something new! Here in this space, we create no stepping stones of initiation, no boxes to tick, no statistical analysis based provision – when you arrive here you are already worthy of our time, energy and love, as too will be the generations that follow you here. All is created and developed in the name of care, compassion, righteousness, and self-empowerment, for nobody can be alienated or excluded from that which is loving, good and kind. The beauty of one’s self and their life force is a true gift to behold, but the road back to knowing what children do, that life is a joy, can be long, arduous and tiring, hence the need for a more complex system than the societal ones in place, since no size can ever fit all.

“Sustainable development, ethical workmanship, and reliable long-term service is where your support towards The Longevity Fund will go!”

Ana Maria Santuario, 2022

Standing in solidarity…

Having watched that beautiful website fall due to nothing more than a lack of funding, we place our faith in humanity, and ask those of you who are able, to support the running, maintenance and development of this website, primarily, the Self-Help Library. The Ana Maria Foundation was set up in light of the need to raise the funds to continue and expand upon this platform and others like it, spaces solely designed to support the human race towards learning and expanding beyond their known world, whilst empowering them with the knowledge to create a new one.

To educate oneself, about oneself, is the key to our human evolution, as well as it being the way we break free of controlled societies and mind-warping medias. In addition to the development of self-preservation techniques, resilience building, and self-management tools, we intend to develop a children’s platform, thus preparing younger minds for life in a New World we have yet to imagine. When a young heart and mind can comprehend their needs, wants and desires, in line with what makes them safe, healthy and in alignment with love, it will become a beautiful world indeed. But for now, there is a lot we must come to safeguard our young and growing from, especially, social media, television and film, the music industry, as well as pharmaceutical conglomerates, aka, big pharma, as well as food industries that are doing more harm than good, and last but definitely not least, from useless education systems that farm children through like cattle.

We are always expanding and offering new resources, based on our ability to pay for and fund the development of them. When you donate here, 50% goes to the Longevity Fund, used solely to fund the long-term maintenance costs of this site, while the other 50% goes directly to The Ana Maria Foundation for future development projects and maintenance funding, which includes employment costs.  The Longevity Fund will always be contributed to by The Ana Maria Foundation, but it is with your help that we can build a platform that may very well last centuries… please note that it is only when you donate at Anamaria.org that 50% goes to support this site’s long-term running costs, in view of the years to come, and even beyond the life of the founder, Ana Maria Santuario.   However, when you donate at anamariafoundation.org, all your money goes into one pot at the central hub of development, grants and other funding pathways. That money will then be spread out over various projects and developments.

It takes a lot to keep our projects, websites and other developments up and running, which includes human-energy, and the Longevity Fund is in place to ensure that once we all die, which we undoubtedly will, that this platform of global support, and the others directly attached to it (i.e. the Ana Maria children’s platform), will survive. Please note that when the children’s platform aligns with this one, the Longevity Funding shall be split equally across both sites. With a changing world, we hope to create a constant, a space of reliable safety, ethical practice, and trust worthy teaching based on integrity, fuelled by knowledge, and held up with experience. We know too much to ever dwell in ignorance and to hold faith in the wrong parties ever again. Reclaiming life is our duty, if not to ourselves then to the children alive today, as well as towards those yet to be born.

Donate Here, and make all this dreaming a reality, with thanks, Ana Maria Santuario.

Make a contribution in other ways, and provide some free resources to our library….

Please check out how to offer your own contribution to The Self-Help Library, whereby you will be invited to collaborate with Faith in Change Publishing, to devise, plan for, and develop a specialised pathway of healing, recovery, self-development, or other essential life skill-set or tool. Expanding eventually into developing for kids, don’t stop dreaming, since we are in the business of turning the best and brightest of lovingly intended dreams into fruitful realities that can offer you a living wage as a consequence of effective planning. With strong partnerships, laying your foundations becomes far easier when compared with trudging ahead alone, and by coming together we learn to hold each idea up until any notion can stand by itself with success and sustainability in perpetual view.

“Welcome to your new world, where you bring yourself to the table and we see your value and invest with mutuality of heart and mind… combining the force of many teachers and healers of this world, we pray that the energetic nature of that feat becomes a force to be reckoned with… no more ignoring the realities of sickness, pain and energetic intrusion, no more ignoring what is! In bringing yourself home perhaps the world might just follow… come work with us towards change and stand together in a place that cannot ever be destroyed… online! Our temples reach further than time and place, beyond life and death… and cannot ever be burned, as knowledge and wisdom once was! Together, we can come to preserve and celebrate life, serve justice, and live in service to the light in the way that so many of us we were born to do. Here, we sit free of systems, rules and measures, free from the known! Funding our own endeavours makes all that possible, since we answer to no one and nothing but the light!

-Hannah Sim – Publisher, life coach and resources development guide @ Faith in Change Publishing.

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