Staying Connected

Reach out to reach inwards…

We are inviting the world to take part in this collective journey of waking up to who and what you really are… love. Love is an abstract concept with zero concrete evidence of its existence since it is unobservable and felt energy. Oftentimes, it is attachment the world mistakes for love, too consumed are we by needs and wants. Love is something else altogether, a way of being, an energetic alignment, a mindset and wealth of internal riches. There are no words to direct you back to love, just experiences, given from the light to return you to itself…

Some Gurus and spiritual teachers advocate that you are the love that you seek, but when you’re living a semi-normal life and have little chance of ever fully awakening to this reality, how can you still sit within the realms of love and peace? How can you benefit from knowing what you cannot ever feel? How can you find peace when that proverbial carrot is dangling out of eternal reach? Perhaps the key is to learn and practice what you are able to, and use the word, ‘enough’, to measure your progress – are you at peace enough? Are you safe enough? Do you have enough? Are you healthy enough? Can you be enough – especially to yourself?

We here at Ana Maria Ltd, try to support your journey with a map through the maze of self-journeying, one which leads towards the invisible destination of loving yourself and accepting your reality, just as it now presents. Change is a happy vision and dream, but takes time, patience, and a lot of energy. We advocate towards the peace found in knowing who you are and loving that person, just as you come. However, these are just words, and words have the habit of creating an illusion, an idea of an answer, rather than giving practical keys and tangible solutions to an otherwise invisible concept. That is why Ana Maria Santuario provides the growing Self-Help Library, with the belief structure that EXPERIENCE is the road, and the words are just your compass pointing you back to yourself.

Staying connected to yourself is your mission, and this platform can encourage a journey towards identifying needs, wants and desires that lead you back towards joy, contented living, and semi-peaceful acceptance. The world needs to wake up to itself, which, at least for a time, may mean accepting that peace ‘enough’ can become the thing we seek… and perhaps we can trust that the later generations will use this era to propel them into the world we secretly wish for as a collective – that of world peace. Staying connected to NOW, staying connected to THE WHOLE, staying connected to ONENESS, all require you to connect inwards, for that, dear ones, is where you can find your own secret source of magic…

There are a number of ways to correspond with Ana Maria Santuario:

1 – Submit a question for Ana Maria to answer on the blog (you can opt out of the sharing and keep things private too).

2 – Apply to the Pen-Pal Programme for a more rigorous approach towards your Self-Inquiry.

3 – Make a confession and clear your energy by telling your stories, anonymously and into the safest of anonymous spaces.

For more information, we invite you to read more about working with Ana, or to learn more about why she writes, before you make your choice regarding which communication channel to use for your journey of healing, reflection and introspection.

Subscribe to our monthly newsletter:

When you subscribe you will receive our welcome package and a single monthly newsletter to keep you in the loop. You will be updated re. recent articles, poetry and prayer, as well as being informed of any new additions to the Self Help Library. New publications are always in development too, and Ana Maria Santuario will oftentimes provide advanced print copies of her books to subscribers.

By subscribing, you agree to receive a single monthly newsletter, and to our Privacy Policy and Terms of Use.

Looking to connect inwards, to yourself?

Look into the Mirror, Mirror.

Ana Maria Santuario posts weekly poetry, articles and prayers, to her blog, all of which have been written with love at their centre… Connecting inwards requires somebody to point through your ‘garbage and junk’, the rubbish in the way of seeing yourself clearly and with a perspective of light, compassion and acceptance. It takes time to melt your own perception, thus, returning week after week can become a requirement of any true self-seeking individual. To connect inwards, the right outwards tools must reflect back to you something a little more truth-like… stories make you human, the animal world lives without them, and the stories we believe and regurgitate are responsible for a heck of a lot of our human suffering – letting them go can become the freeing aspect of the work we do here at

You can also find poems, prayers, mantras and self-affirmations, growing in number here on this site. All mirrors designed by the light to reflect your own right back at you!

Or how about connecting on a professional and creative level?

Have you got a talent for the healing arts? Are you drawn towards the healing of this world and feel inclined to learn how to optimise your skill set and talents?

Contact the Chief Executive of Faith in Change Publishing, Hannah Sim, whose company is in support of such endeavours, for it was she who made this all possible, by believing that a person such as Ana Maria Santuario was deserving of an investment of time and money. The healing arts are undervalued and misunderstood, but the legitimate proof of these modalities is in human experience. We seek no other validation that your lived experience, be that personal or professional, especially when combined with research and theory based practice.

“Becoming who you were born to be, and then somehow ending up being paid for becoming yourself is the journey we invite you to embark on, here, at Faith in Change.”

Hannah Sim, Chief Executive of Faith in Change – 2021.

Are you already thriving as the person you were born to be and have time and space to share your expertise with those in need?

Please consider a world wherein those with enough are in acknowledgement of this fact, and they support the uplifting of others, not from a place of charity, but from the position of humility and responsibility – because they have enough, they give back to the world in service. When the light calls on you to free yourself from a story, generally, you are called upon to carve that path into a teachable journey that can aid the lessening of suffering for others living a similar plight, but who perhaps do not have the awareness or skill set to free themselves like you have. The light blessed you by healing you, and it becomes your duty to honour that gift with grace.

We welcome all sorts of lessons here, as nobody’s path is the same, and this platform encourages the client to claim their pathway by designing it for themselves… we support those in need towards finding their own way, by way of experimenting with the Self-Help Library resources, and reaching out when they meet a road block within themselves. If you have high-value offerings living within you, please consider sharing your inwards wealth by collaborating with Hannah Sim at Faith in Change Publishing, she who supports Ana Maria Santuario directly. There is always the option of building your own platforms too, but we do hope to centralise these medicinal learnings and creations, and design a powerhouse of light, love and kindness – since we are ALWAYS more powerful TOGETHER!

“It is not alright to keep gaining while others starve to death. It is not alright to still grow and build upon those with less, just because of an ancestral fear of not enough. It is not alright just to help those who can pay for it! When we all bear the weight of the world, perhaps it won’t break those who happen to remain at the bottom of the rung, beneath the surface of its weight and burdens? Invisibly suffering as the world ticks on by them, there are those who need us, and they needed us yesterday, but today will do, only because it must!”

Ana Maria Santuario – 2021.

If you feel inclined to support the website with a donation, click here, or explore how to start the journey of donating your services – please explore your various contribution options here.

Connecting via education, especially with those still growing…

Do your talents lie with the young of the world?

Faith in Change welcome writers, artists, teachers, therapists, counsellors and other talented individuals, to devise programmes of study for the young of the world.

“Mental health, especially, has become a great concern for the younger generations, there is something happening to our children that we have yet to comprehend and protect them from – come help us to devise things and stuff that may just change the trajectory of the lifetimes to come… take your place in the whole, and you never know, you may very well make your living wage from taking a leap of faith towards trusting your intuitive talents. We welcome experienced professionals and healers to contribute to society by way of our supported publishing packages.”

Hannah Sim, Chief Executive of Faith in Change – 2021.

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