Dear UK GPs, are you ready to treat pesticide poisoning?

Dear GPs of the United Kingdom,

I have a few questions for you to ponder as you decide whether you might align yourself with us.  We are gunning for no individual heads (I promise), we are all about change, that which will come to serve the greater good, in the name of our country people.  So, please do open yourself up to a new and brighter future, one that enables the reclaiming of your lovely local GP jobs, for good, by pondering upon the answers to these contemplations:

– Do you refer clients of the NHS to Mental Health Trusts, only for them to be discharged right back into your hands, after months of waiting lists and inconsequential referrals?
– Do you refer clients who manage to access treatment, only to learn they relapsed post-discharge, as they return for more help?
– Do you think that was because the treatment was ineffective?
– OR, do you think they were discharged too soon?
– OR, do you consider the reason to be that no recovery support was provided after discharge?  That there is nothing recovery sustaining or building in the community?
– When these patients return to you, what is left for them to access?
– Have you EVER referred a patient for a dual-diagnosis treatment pathway that succeeded and resulted in long-term recovery?

Please do refer any untreated patients to The Self-Help Library at AnaMaria.Org, in absence of any real or effective mental health intervention, as it is my hope they may be gifted with ways to help themselves.  I was once a patient on waiting lists, referred from here to there, from nothing to nothing… Your patients are my priority because I know the pain resulting from such medical abandonment.  The Self-Help Library does not require payment or a subscription, the help really is there at the click of a button.  There is zero advertising, so vulnerable people do not get distracted from their focus, themselves.  The Tender Loving Care Playlists are curated from YouTube, and that is the only website interaction that comes with any risk attached to user engagement.  However, I hope to remedy this by inviting healers and movement coaches to ‘Donate Their Service’, by contributing small digital workshop series that can steadily replace the YouTube feature of the website.  Perhaps some of you have something to offer? 

Now, I do have a few more questions…

– How do you feel when you hear this story?

A very loving mother and father observed their daughter to be very unwell, she was itching, having migraines, depressed thoughts, and more.  For 1.5 years they sought aid from the NHS, all while their adorable child declined before their eyes (is there anything worse as a parent, than watching your child deteriorate as you sit powerless to end their suffering?).  The obvious route of diagnostic inquiry was allergy testing.  When that brought up nothing, doctors continued to guess.  After 18 months, the mother was told, during another short appointment, that the illness was in her child’s head (it wasn’t).  This is a form of gaslighting, by the way, when one denies reality in favour of a falsehood, and they then try to convince the person standing in reality to believe in their falsehood.

The mother fought, man, did she fight.  Alas, local NHS clinicians re-confirmed the child’s illness was imagined, not real. 

‘A mother knows her child’, these are the words the mother in question spoke to me as she recounted her story.  She went on to pay £300 for a private treatment pathway, three days later, she discovered that her daughter had a fructose allergy.  A fructose allergy!!!!  For 18 MONTHS, A SEVEN-TO-EIGHT-YEAR-OLD SUFFERED, UNNECCESSARILY, at the hands of a negligent and outdated medical paradigm.  The worst thing is, the system is resulting in unethical practitioners, those who trust in the tests they are conducting, all while knowing the tests are not comprehensive.  Why was such a simple extensive allergy test not provided during 18 months of NHS medical investigation?  Is there any answer that does not end in money… in greed?  Or is the true answer, under-educated NHS staff?  Such medical negligence must come to be counted as a criminal act, if the public’s right to health is to be safeguarded.

– Do you want an updated, ethical, working, safe system? (Yes, we do too).  The National Health Service Act (1946/2006) determines that modern research MUST become the new system in practice.  What are we waiting for?  By healing everyone, do we create space for us all to feel safe, and thus, feel at peace and stop seeking remedy to pain in all of the wrong places?

For example: since high-dosage Niacin therapy (Vitamin B3) is proven to treat, rather effectively, chronic depression, addiction, anxiety, symptoms of schizophrenia and bipolar, would you be interested in prescribing said vitamin instead of anti-depressants, a prescription that often comes with a long list of risks and recovery-hindering side-effects?  Would we also see less decline into comorbid states of dual-diagnosis, what with substance misuse often becoming the route to self-medicating, in lieu of effective treatment and care?  It is important to know that Niacin only offers one point of resistance to patients, it makes the client flush; the flush can lessen overtime, but not always, and in high doses it can result in nausea.  A ‘no-flush vitamin’ exists, yet it comes with an unverified warning of liver or kidney damage (I forget which), but it is only noted to occur when taken in very high doses.  Whether said risk is legitimate is yet to be seen, what with no ethical research on the latter topic.  I am sure this is a solvable problem for ethical, advanced, medical scientists/researchers.  Moreover, that singular side-effect warning is a lot shorter than the lists of risks attached to prescriptions for pain relief or a sleep disorder, yet for some reason, it is used to prevent mainstream use of the pill that could potentially cure 50% of mental health declines and reduce waiting lists and times by half.  It is a possibility, should we not be exploring it thoroughly and with haste? 

Actually, Dr Abram Hoffer et al. already did that for us… he also collaborated with Bill Wilson, a co-founder of Alcoholics Anonymous (AA).  You see, initially, AA was designed to be offered alongside high-dosage niacin therapy, client prognosis looked good in such an instance.  Yet, when everything went mainstream, niacin was left behind for no other reason than it is not a pharmaceutical creation.  What is known, is that Niacin can cause miracles to happen and bring patients out of psychotic relapse, dissociative states, and more, and rather swiftly.  This world is clever, and the solutions are there already, High Dosage Vitamin Therapy is available to those who can afford the effective treatment pathway.  Why do the NHS not offer a high-dosage Vitamin B3 drip for clients with all sorts of mental health disorders, and perhaps before therapy?  Before the long waiting lists and limited number of sessions (12-16 for those who attend Cognitive Behaviour Therapy in one London-based NHS Foundation Trust)?  We cannot expect years of gut-wrenching trauma to be ’handled’ in 12-16 weeks.  We all know that, right?  The system, left as it is, will implode, it is too fractured, and patients are handed around instead of treated well and into recovery.  But it is clear that there are some patients who would be better served by a physical treatment pathway that eliminates the mental health condition altogether.

High dosage vitamin therapies ARE THE CURE, or a part of it, at least.  Should such an immediately prescribed, scientifically proven-to-work treatment be introduced, and reduce the waiting lists by 47%, well, what a miracle that would be.  So, imagine if high dosage vitamin therapy truly is the solution to the suffering of thousands of patients, not anti-depressants?  Is there not a moral obligation to follow this line of inquiry to a transparent conclusion?  If Abram Hoffer’s medical research is developed instead of forgotten, perhaps high dosage vitamin blends can even replace anti-psychotics, if we’re really getting ethically and morally curious here!  Do you think it is ethical to treat patients for ‘depression’, when it is known that some people simply require high dosage Vitamin D or B-complex nourishment?  Is it okay to instruct someone with chronic fatigue or fibromyalgia to simply ‘endure it’, when all they really need is unaffordable high-dosage vitamin therapy?  Is this not akin to the story of the mother and her untreated child, who simply had an undiagnosed allergy?  Deficiencies are known to cause illness, as are ingested and absorbed toxins…

Sorry to tell you this, but ‘Parliament’, or at least a few culpable people in that ‘responsible’ body, have just permitted the use of 36 known-to-be-harmful pesticides on UK soil.  All 36 poisons have been banned by the European Union.  13 are labelled as ‘Highly Hazardous’.  Then there are the new food labels, ‘Not for E.U.’, hmmm… do we believe for a second that means our food is far safer than the E.U.’s?  Or is it likelier that it is far more harmful?  What do all of you intelligent, thinking, curious, healers think?  Are you ready for the new illnesses, those CREATED by parliamentary negligence and a veiled intent to harm collective health and safety?  Are you ready for the children with cancer and the elderly with memory loss that looks like no known disease or disorder?  Because that is what’s coming! 

Just look to Devon (May 2024), the first sign of our water being contaminated.  I have read other reports of unregulated waste management harming our national water supplies.  Are big businesses destroying our land?  Is the war still on?  The Elite, whoever they once were, stormed across Europe, stole the UK, stole our culture and lands, just as they stole life from the Aboriginals, the Māori, the Native Americans, just as they did in India and across the continent of Africa… and more… just so much more.  Those empire building, greedy murderers are NOT my kin, they are not my ancestors.  They likely killed many of my kin, many of my elders, and today, I became a victim of their descendants by way of parliamentary negligence and a sinister intent to harm our people.  The evident governmental refusal to prevent sickness and mental health decline, as well as to remedy it, their incapacity to care about those fighting for health and safety, it is abhorrent, and I am done waiting for someone else to change it.  Will you help me, please, we all need this, that’s the truth. 

Is it not time for us to demand better, since all we need do is turn back to the origins of everything relevant here, The National Health Service Act (1946/2006), which has become my current bedtime read (perhaps make it yours too, and remember the power of the pillar of medical practice, ethics.  This one word can change everything, should we allow it to).  The fact that the UK government permit the poisoning of children via pesticides and lowered food industry standards, does it not reveal their cards, fully, finally, and perhaps enough for us to put an end to it?  As these young children ingest increasing amounts of highly hazardous chemicals, they will predictably become more and more unwell, until you’re treating another unhealthy, unhappy adult.  We have lost our connection to the land, to our source of life; but the land is speaking, she is poisoned already, and she is the mother that feeds us all… so you are all in danger too. 

Everything has to end eventually, history tells us this much.  But it also tells us that change must be forced.  For every action there is an equal and opposite reaction.  Should we do nothing, nothing changes, should we simply start speaking, collecting independent data, opening up to transparency and togetherness, we can topple the regime.  I do not care who is in charge, so long as they take care of us and keep us safe from those who would do us harm, do our children harm.  I am not going to take you all to court for being unable to prescribe Niacin or High-Dosage Vitamin Therapies, that would be silly.  Plus, it’s not your fault.  So now you know where I stand, this is a paradigm shift, a big one, and it will take all of us… because Big Pharma have their eyes on our country, so there will be many lies and much disinformation thrown into the mix. 

I invite you to stand as one body, as ‘The GP’s of The UK’, and perhaps write letters to your patients, to the children of the future, to The King, to parliament, or your Chief Executive, just do this anonymously and Faith in Change will publish the letters as part of an anthology (with you getting royalties for your service, don’t worry, we aren’t greedy).  Please do not feel afraid of speaking your truth or exposing reality, of screaming for change!  What’s the worst that can happen?  Nothing bad, let’s make that clear.  Besides, I will never tell another’s stories without permission, it is not my way, and you have a right to safety too, we all do, it’s what I fight for, it’s why I ask or your help, that’s why anonymity is a contracted option for all contributors.  There has to be a medical collective with courage enough to stand with the people, with their patients, the ones they signed on to treat, heal and save.   I know you took oaths, first do no harm, right?  Well sometimes, the very thing doing harm is one’s silence… I hope you are the collective to break it, for all our sakes.

Now, I have a final few pointed questions.  Please do know that I am never pointing at you, more the system, please know this, because we can find a safer, more effective paradigm for you and your patients, together:

Do you ever diagnose a patient by examining their tongue and eyes, like the Chinese and Ayurvedic doctors do?  I have visited both paradigms (when I could afford to), and they showed more interest in my body as a whole, when compared to NHS GPs.  They also helped me in a far safer way than many NHS doctors have; by that, I mean to say that they added no chemicals, pharmaceuticals, drugs, whatever you want to call them, into my body.  But they also treated me for one hour a week; that’s what money gets you, hey?  They also helped me reach a form of recovery that lasted beyond the treatment bought and paid for (which included a C-PTSD mental health recovery, and all the physical symptoms that manifested as a direct result of the trauma). 

What do you consider the root causes of fibromyalgia and chronic fatigue syndrome to be?  Surely, with so many patients being diagnosed now, there must be common threads?  If there are no easily detectable common threads, perhaps the NHS will offer comprehensive blood testing to all clients diagnosed with the chronic illnesses and let us know what VITAMIN(S) they are deficient in (I imagine that’s where the solution is for these untreated patients of NHS UK).  Or maybe they have simply exhausted their vital energy by being overworked (or do most sufferers simply work as paid or unpaid carers of untreated patients?  I presume that’s a thread we can follow with logic and reason…). 

Eventually, as I see it, being referred for ‘treatment’ will mean sitting with a vitamin drip tailored to one’s diagnoses; it may very well mean receiving a tailor made, ‘safe nutrition plan’, one accessible to all via safe and affordable food markets.  Is this how we end the pandemic of mental health decline?  I mean, we do all see it sweeping across the globe, do we not?  Is the origin of the harm our new opaque food sources?  Or have we over-farmed the land and stripped it of nutrients?  Perhaps it is the toxic energy inserted into family homes, environments otherwise safe and peaceful without a television and unfiltered internet access (misinformation is a harmful threat, and many are victims of modern technology – or rather, of how the wealthy are choosing to use it). 

We are animals, do we see animals in nature walking around dying of strange, alien sicknesses every day?  When we do, is the only determinable source of their injury the human species?

Where is the cause of the sickness?  Food?  Alcohol?  Cigarettes?  Sugar?  Fat?  Rotten oils (not safe ones)?  In experiences like trauma-inducing television; is that why young children are becoming enraged and depressed?  Or is it the food again?

Do we recover our health by simply recovering our water and food supplies and ensuring we are not being poisoned?  Let’s take the example of a local convenience store, when I walk around one, all I see is 100% unhealthy.  These shops are cloaked as ‘convenient’, when all they are is a blight, a death-pit happily selling poor-health to the huge waves of unsupervised school children who pass through their doors daily.  In the once balanced marketplace that was the local suburban village, there are now 5 ‘convenience stores’ and one brand new vape shop (with colourful vapes floor to ceiling in the window, just hanging there looking like sweeties).  How many people are making money off of killing people?  (Because inducing sickness is akin to premeditated murder, it doesn’t matter how long and slow the death is, or whether one harnesses the knowledge of a stigmatised illness, such as addiction, to create the illusion that people are choosing to kill themselves slowly).  Addiction to food is a thing, therefore, shops literally promote addiction and the cause of it in children, that is what I see.   Why is a shop like that permitted to exist in 2024?  Why is a shop stocking 100% toxic garbage?  Because it sells?  Of course it does, everyone is addicted to what they are selling.

An organic fruit and vegetable shop opened in the same village just after the pandemic, I was elated, it brought balance; unfortunately, I could not afford their produce.  It also appears that everybody buys at Tesco, Aldi or Sainsbury’s, etc., and nobody realised just how important this new shop was, at least not enough to shop there weekly (or they could not afford the safe food, like me, or the new private parking charges everywhere).  It closed after 18 months.  It was our medicine.  But nobody knows how to detect safety vs. danger these days, as the dangers have been packaged to perfection and placed in the television for society’s normalisation.  Either this, or nobody can afford the safety of unpoisoned fruit and vegetables.  The world is making children sick, parents too, it must end.  Natural sickness is what you signed up to heal and help people recover from… now we are seeing human-created sicknesses.  I mean, we must surely ask why the mental health of the masses is declining, and also why the cures are not given freely, as a point of equality?

This is not your doing.  I need you to hear me.  You did not harm your patients.  Those who are causing the harm will eventually hurt your careers though, when you are eventually forced to discharge unsafely and outside of widely acknowledged, ethical modern practice.  Fairly soon, you and your colleagues will end up breaking the laws of our land, without any alternative option but to walk, which not everybody can do.  I do see turbulent times ahead, unless we stand as one and defend the creation of an ethical paradigm before you are forced to knowingly inflict harmful outcomes.

It is time for us all, the healers, the patients, the carers and parents, to stand as one, united, against this machine that is called nothing other than Greed!  Let your truth be spoken, let us hear from your staff, let everyone’s stories come to be counted, and let the regime that is killing us all, fall…

I pray you are with us, for we need you now more than ever, just in a new and interesting way.

With love and thanks for your service,

Ana Maria Santuario.

p.s. I adore my GP, please know that before you feel threatened by me.  I always use a useful tool when I write: I think of someone I value and respect who sits in the same position as the recipients.  In your case, it is someone very intelligent, compassionate, and truly caring of their patients.  My GP has tried their very best to help my family in every way that they possibly could, it is how I comprehend how powerless they are too.  My GP is a very good human being, one with modern thoughts and a passion for personally driven professional development.  They see things, I know it, I only wish they could tell the world what they see, for then, I feel certain, that the absolute disregard for patient safety, that which runs our system, will be seen clearly.  THE SYSTEM IS NOT BROKEN.  It is poorly designed, outdated, underfunded, and unethically driven, that’s all.  Once we realign everything to meet modern-knowledge and research-driven theory with practice, we will see a world that enables you to do the job you signed up to do.  The hope I have for my own GP, who cares very much about every single one of their patients, is the very same hope that I hold for you.  Should we all live in a world without greed, I have a feeling the global medical paradigm would look nothing like our current NHS UK. 

p.p.s. This letter and the attached leaflet are being sent to ALL DOCTORS SURGERIES across the UK. However, do download the letter and disseminate it among friends, family and colleagues. Let us work towards safety for the children together:

© Santuario, Ana Maria (2024). Letters to The World. Faith in Change Publishing, London.

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Submissions are open at Faith in Change Publishing, who are creating anthology, after anthology, of UK-focused human interest stories. By claiming our right to our Freedom of Speech in this professional, unguarded, potentially anonymous manner, does the age old tradition of letter writing lend itself to the call for equality, freedom, safety and change?

Collectively, Ana Maria Ltd., The Ana Maria Foundation and Faith in Change Publishing Ltd., work to gather intelligence by embracing the ancient wisdom and power of storytelling. Such powerful data collection can do nothing but provoke change and force forward motion. It is only in the denial and silencing of reality that suffering persists. The foundations have been laid, let us see what we can grow when we work together, for the good of everyone on our soil.

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