Become Peace

I was looking outwards, Wishing to bring peace to the world, But when you realize that the world is your mind, That there are billions of worlds living on this earth inside each one of us, There becomes only one place to seek peace… Within yourself. Once you become peace, Become love, Like a seedContinueContinue reading “Become Peace”


If you find the paradise that lives within, Then it really doesn’t matter where you go or what you do, Because you’ll be experiencing through eyes that see only light.  Clear out the shadows, Let them melt at the flame of grace living inside of you.  Live life as the light that you are. ©ContinueContinue reading “Paradise”

Pray for Peace

I pray for peace to come, First, on the inside of humankind, For only then can it sprout wings, and fly across divisions and boundaries. Just as the Angels do. I Pray for Peace to come, today, not tomorrow. I pray for peace. I pray for Peace. I pray for peace today, If not inContinueContinue reading “Pray for Peace”