Lose Yourself

People talk of finding themselves, but I suggest you lose yourself.  When I looked within a space of solitude, I found lots of things that I thought I was – ambitious, passionate, driven, intelligent, stubborn, opinionated, fearless, kind, loving, compassionate. But I was none of these things.  These words, these labels, they were merely ideasContinueContinue reading “Lose Yourself”

When I Am Not Here

When I am not here, Someone wondrous here comes, A presence of Peace, A being of Love. When I am not here, A hush of quiet rings true, No more needing or wanting, No more I. No more you. When I am not here, There is nothing to know, No ideals to reform, No moreContinueContinue reading “When I Am Not Here”

The Timeless Now

Now is timeless, A moment that cannot be caught, Only disrupted by a thought, Of past and future, Memories and dreams. © Santuario, Ana Maria (2023). A Journey of Subtraction, A Collection of Poetry and Prose. Faith in Change Publishing, London. Click here to buy the collection of poetry, A Journey of Subtraction. return toContinueContinue reading “The Timeless Now”


Looking into the water is much the same as looking into another’s person… You can see your reflection, but nothing of the world below.  What you see is only made up of yourself… © Santuario, Ana Maria (2023). A Journey of Subtraction, A Collection of Poetry and Prose. Faith in Change Publishing, London. Click hereContinueContinue reading “Reflections”

Knowledge Has No Ledge…

What is knowledge? Knowledge – No Ledge! There is no end to it, it just keeps going! What makes one piece of knowledge more valued than another? Only its significance in the collective story. The Earth was flat, now it’s round. Did this supposedly ground-breaking news change anything about life? Stars are suns, a weird lookingContinueContinue reading “Knowledge Has No Ledge…”


Inside each one of us lies this space for the arising of infinite possibility… Thought, feeling, emotion, imagination, belief, judgement, knowledge – stories.  Infinite stories, a uniqueness held within each body-mind, each character. Words create the story, shape it, share it, limit it. Of all that is infinitely possible in this life, why do youContinueContinue reading “Stories”