Don’t Be Scared

Don’t be scared dear ones,
Welcome the thought of change.
Open up your minds and hearts,
To the idea of a New Age.

It is with children in mind that I speak,
With their health and wellbeing at heart.
In light of how disconnected we’ve come to be,
How far from the truth we’re seemingly apart.

There is no answer I can provide,
To ease your discomfort, sorrow or pain.
There is no trick, no miracle pill,
Nothing to justify, reason or name.

I have no god to offer you,
No deity in your faith to place.
I simply offer a mirror,
To look in and see your own grace.

The world presents our reflection,
It tells us every lie we ever believed.
And I found the only point to place my faith,
Was toward the light that I found within me.

The very same light exists,
In all of us, it’s true.
But what prevents us from seeing it,
Except the illusions they’ve sold to you?

Do you know that you’re beautiful?
Do you know you’re made up of stars?
Do you wander around in awe,
With the truth of yourself in your heart?

There is no way to know,
What is right from wrong.
Other than to feel your way,
Toward the stories that truly belong.

All that doesn’t belong creates conflict,
Inside of yourself is where it exists.
Only words spoken aloud become real,
As your distaste with reality permeates and persists.

What do you spend your time talking about?
Is it a jolly good waste of time?
Or do you sit and treasure each moment,
That shall never again be yours, nor mine?

Time is something we’ll never stop,
Nor catch as a fleeting thought.
Can you start to ask yourself,
In which part of the past you are caught?

Does the story you’re telling even belong to you?
Or to another time and place?
Are the thoughts you’re believing even relevant,
Or are your judgments totally misplaced?

Stop treating the world as your enemy,
Come to see it as a mirror instead.
One to reflect back all the lie and illusion,
That exists only in your own head.

It is time to stop believing,
In regurgitated and manipulated truths.
And shift more to the heart of who we ought to be,
If we only believed that we could.

The truth is, it’s too late for us,
Our way of programming is all set.
Like computers hardwired to process and react,
According to the wiring in our own head.

But our children, now they have a fighting chance,
At becoming what we cannot.
Healthy, happy, contented humans,
Comfortable and accepting of their lot.

Gratitude is the answer to most of our strife,
When our greed is balanced in kind.
Our intrinsic fear of not enough,
Is but an ancestral fear of our collective mind.

There is no need to fear The Other,
Not any longer and never more.
If we are brave enough to face the past,
And finally close its door.

We now know more than any other,
Conscious beings that we so are.
And as knowledge evolves, so too do we,
For already we’ve come so far.

But when do we say, ‘Enough now!’
When do we stop wasting our time?
Repeating conflict belonging to the past,
Never neither yours, nor mine?

These stories that separate, they are not ours,
They never were and never shall be.
Can we let the light of children shine as truth,
And let them become what we were meant to be?

Can we prepare them for a world that doesn’t love,
And teach them to love themselves?
For this is the thing we all need to survive,
The battle in which we find ourselves.

The world has taken you hostage,
Filled you up with things untrue.
It told you that you should be scared of me,
And I, in turn, of you.

This fear is how they control you,
Who are they, I’ll never know.
But I do know the fear they create and sustain,
Is what prevents the world from becoming whole.

Whole people is what will make the world whole,
Healed, healthy, happy individuals are key.
And I’m sorry to break it to you buddy,
But it’s too late for you and me.

However, we still have a chance to save the kids,
We have a chance to set them free.
If we have the courage to face the truth,
By looking at you, and realizing, you’re just like me.

Find more in The Poetry Library or buy the book containing this poem here.

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Published by Faith in Change

Working with humanity towards creating a better future for all.

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