I Am Grateful

I am grateful for more than I can say, for the food I am blessed with to feed and nourish this body; for the air that I breathe to create and simultaneously sustain this life; for my bed and the pillow that rests my tired brow after an effortful day; for my life and all that has happened, for even the bad and the ugly came with their treasures.

I am grateful to be here, living life on this earth.

Today I return for nourishment from the earth, and walk barefoot upon the ground, allowing my body to root downward like a mighty oak, and to trust, that every experience lived has helped me come to grow, and become this beautifully imperfect version of my perfect self.

Thank you, almighty father, who came to earth to mate with mother, and create this world, this life and this treasured, spectacular me.


Source: Santuario, Ana Maria, Mirror, Mirror, Collection 1 (TBC). Faith in Change Publishing, London.

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