Seasons of Life

You cannot escape the seasons of life… 

Autumn will come to lay you bare,
Allow the leaves to fall,
Do not cling to that which no longer belongs. 

Winter is often harsh,
A time full of darkness and unbearably bitter cold. 
It welcomes you to look at those places inside of your ‘self,’
that are frozen,
Inviting them to come to thaw.

The warmth of spring sprouts seeds,
Delicate blossoms tentatively emerge,
New fragrances and fruits enliven the senses. 
It’s as though you slowly
yet surely
awaken from a hibernation,
A long dream where within the light was lost,
So distracted were you by illusion. 

Yet summer comes
to burn through any residing haze,
Bringing a brilliant sunlight that casts
increasingly less shadow,
For each seasonal cycle clears out the dark,
To make space for light.

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