All is Unknown

The future is utterly unknown. It lays there before you, Uncontrollable. Unpredictable. Full of infinite possibility.  With an open and trusting heart, The future opens, Release the illusion of control. Release the stories that bind you. Release the past. My heart is open to all, The good, the bad, the ugly, Everything that makes upContinueContinue reading “All is Unknown”

Seasons of Life

You cannot escape the seasons of life…  Autumn will come to lay you bare, Allow the leaves to fall, Do not cling to that which no longer belongs.  Winter is often harsh, A time full of darkness and unbearably bitter cold. It welcomes you to look at those places inside of your ‘self,’ that are frozen,ContinueContinue reading “Seasons of Life”

A World Without Words

Live in a world without words, Just a seeing of all that passes, No labels, no symbols, Just a pure experiencing. Words, polarities, the confines of all in existence. Can you see past the word? See through to the magic whereby the word doesn’t exist? Can you look at a tree, a flower, the ocean,ContinueContinue reading “A World Without Words”