No One Knows A Thing

What is it to live? No one bloody knows. If they tell you they do, turn about, for they are lost to some story, some dream. Who am I? Neither can this be known. So wrapped up are we in words, these symbols that debase the majesty of life into an utterance that passes theContinueContinue reading “No One Knows A Thing”


If you find the paradise that lives within, Then it really doesn’t matter where you go or what you do, Because you’ll be experiencing through eyes that see only light.  Clear out the shadows, Let them melt at the flame of grace living inside of you.  Live life as the light that you are. ©ContinueContinue reading “Paradise”

No Worries

In any given moment there is nothing to worry about.  The only place that worry exists is in your mind, let it not trouble your heart. © Santuario, Ana Maria (2023). A Journey of Subtraction, A Collection of Poetry and Prose. Faith in Change Publishing, London. Click here to buy the collection of poetry, AContinueContinue reading “No Worries”

Enjoy The Party

This is it, all there is. Can you feel your own aliveness in this moment? Can you feel the song of existence flowing through your veins? Can you feel the beauty of one breath invigorating your entire being? Enough sitting with yourself now… Go and enjoy the party, dance through life, Paint a masterpiece ofContinueContinue reading “Enjoy The Party”