Dear U.N., Please, Hear My Plea for Collective Safety.

Reaching out to The United Nations for aid, let us hope it fruits safety, justice and change.

The Education System: Behind The Red Tape!

Dear teachers, TAs, parents and carers, let us become the powerful defender our children need us to be, should their developmental years be preserved and respected. Write reality into existence for them, be their author…

Police Officers and Paramedics: What’s Happening in the Trenches?

I have met so many well intentioned first-responders; I imagine they are as angry as many patients are when inpatient teams discharge unsafely and back into a state of crisis. We hope they tell us the realities, even those hard to hear about, because those in need deserve a safe NHS.

Dear UK GPs, are you ready to treat pesticide poisoning?

Soon enough, human-created sicknesses will be the reason UK citizens die prematurely; are they already? Are we going to allow this? Are we that stuck in hopelessness and apathy? I pray otherwise, while I await the answer to this call for support.

Dear NHS Scotland and NHS Wales… This is an NHS UK Crisis!

NHS UK have now been notified of the treatment and care crisis, the handover to responsible stakeholders is complete. Now, we simply await ethical, moral, humane responses.

This game we are playing is about ACCOUNTABILITY, as well as, HUMAN LIFE!

As we call on NHS England Chief Executive, Amanda Pritchard, to stand beside us, I ask the public to wake up and stir to attention, and to sign the petition for lawful and ethical Dual-Diagnosis treatment and care. Let us help the NHS Leaders move towards this change, asap.

The NHS: Behind The Red Tape!

Dear NHS Staff Members, stand with us by telling your stories. We can make great things happen for us all when we claim the power of togetherness and Freedom of Speech.

Mental Health and Carers Charities, Please, Stand With Us!

Let us serve those in need and break through the red tape together, by speaking their truth on their behalf. The law is our side, less so the NHS Directorates and Parliament at this point!

Are We Dead Already?

Shine too brightly and the world will kill you. It devours light from the time of its conception. For light we all are. We once, collectively, quite likely were light itself, was that Eden? Was that my home? For this land, this growing waste heap of an earth, rejects my kinship. In denial of truth, sat feeding death itself.ContinueContinue reading “Are We Dead Already?”