Lose Yourself

People talk of finding themselves, but I suggest you lose yourself.  When I looked within a space of solitude, I found lots of things that I thought I was – ambitious, passionate, driven, intelligent, stubborn, opinionated, fearless, kind, loving, compassionate. But I was none of these things.  These words, these labels, they were merely ideasContinueContinue reading “Lose Yourself”

When I Am Not Here

When I am not here, Someone wondrous here comes, A presence of Peace, A being of Love. When I am not here, A hush of quiet rings true, No more needing or wanting, No more I. No more you. When I am not here, There is nothing to know, No ideals to reform, No moreContinueContinue reading “When I Am Not Here”

Times of No Time

I love those times when time itself does not exist, You know not the date, Even the month and year sit at the periphery of your experience, Only latched onto when prompted by the external experience. To be free of time, ah, what a gift! To be so immersed and content in the present thatContinueContinue reading “Times of No Time”


Mirrors all around, What do I see? Why the entire world, Made up of only me. Reflecting back all I am not, The fear, the pain, the strife, All that no longer belongs, In this unfathomable journey called life. All is melting away, Making room for love, for light, The sun burns brighter every day,ContinueContinue reading “Mirrors”

Free Yourself

A life of aimless wanderings, Floating from here to there, Searching for answers in the external, When all you need know, Lay right here. Fearless, wild and free, We are born unto this world, Yet in mind, body and soul, We are bound, In the story that unfurls. Born to place, position, people, We stepContinueContinue reading “Free Yourself”


Perfection, easy to come by at times, sometimes less so when experiences are shaded by mind shaped clouds.  But it is the state of all in existence. At any given moment everything is perfect… Including you. © Santuario, Ana Maria (2023). A Journey of Subtraction, A Collection of Poetry and Prose. Faith in Change Publishing,ContinueContinue reading “Perfection”

Nature’s Remedy

I was alone for so long, Already at one with me. I didn’t need anybody, To bring comfort to me. I went out to be with God, It was nature that brought me home. The barred and padlocked church gates, Well, they left me all alone. It was nature that gave me comfort, That toldContinueContinue reading “Nature’s Remedy”

A Free World

To free our world from ourselves, From the chaos and destruction we create, We must first learn to create free individuals. To bring about peace on earth, We must inspire a harmonised society. For love to fill up our world, We must first come to know what love really is, Then learn it, practise it,ContinueContinue reading “A Free World”