Become Peace

I was looking outwards, Wishing to bring peace to the world, But when you realize that the world is your mind, That there are billions of worlds living on this earth inside each one of us, There becomes only one place to seek peace… Within yourself. Once you become peace, Become love, Like a seedContinueContinue reading “Become Peace”


Mirrors all around, What do I see? Why the entire world, Made up of only me. Reflecting back all I am not, The fear, the pain, the strife, All that no longer belongs, In this unfathomable journey called life. All is melting away, Making room for love, for light, The sun burns brighter every day,ContinueContinue reading “Mirrors”

Free Yourself

A life of aimless wanderings, Floating from here to there, Searching for answers in the external, When all you need know, Lay right here. Fearless, wild and free, We are born unto this world, Yet in mind, body and soul, We are bound, In the story that unfurls. Born to place, position, people, We stepContinueContinue reading “Free Yourself”