Nature’s Remedy

I was alone for so long, Already at one with me. I didn’t need anybody, To bring comfort to me. I went out to be with God, It was nature that brought me home. The barred and padlocked church gates, Well, they left me all alone. It was nature that gave me comfort, That toldContinueContinue reading “Nature’s Remedy”

Are We Dead Already?

Shine too brightly and the world will kill you. It devours light from the time of its conception. For light we all are. We once, collectively, quite likely were light itself, was that Eden? Was that my home? For this land, this growing waste heap of an earth, rejects my kinship. In denial of truth, sat feeding death itself.ContinueContinue reading “Are We Dead Already?”

Lean In

When you are all alone in suffering, Lean into yourself. Know this too shall pass… And lean into it all. For it is by walking through the darkest of days, That you’re returned to the light within your own self. There is no other way to navigate a storm when you are its eye, YouContinueContinue reading “Lean In”