T.L.C. Contemplating The Self

The Self, what is it, who is it?  Can you see is, observe it, touch it in thought?  Who am I?  What am I?  Where do I begin and the world ends?  Where does the world begin and I end?  Where do I exist? What is the ‘I’?  Is The Self who I am?  Am I what sits behind the self, as the self, at one with the self?  Buddhists, Taoists, Hindus also, seek The Self out through meditation.  Chanting can help dislodge pieces of self and bring them into awareness, but the true seeing happens always, in every single moment, of rage, happiness, contentment and grief.  To see The Self is to know that it is transient, a piece of mind-body wrapped up in thought, memory and imagination – in illusion.  Where perception can change we must ask, is what I see, hear and think ever true, when it can change like the wind?  Where truth is sought, seek beyond truth to find it, for there is no definition in that space.

We thank all creators for their videos and these generous and loving contributions to the world.

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Link to energy and light work, a tender loving care youtube playlist
Link to healing vibrations, a tender loving care youtube playlist
Link to only have 10 minutes? a tender loving care youtube playlist
Link to lyricless music, a tender loving care youtube playlist


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To seek further inwards, do read Ana Maria’s work, all written with the ‘soul’ purpose of calling you home, towards peace, freedom, harmony and joy.
Faith, In Stories That Change, front cover - an image of a man standing on burned, desolate land, looking up to the stars.
A Journey of Subtraction, front cover displays an autumnal tree with an empty tree at the base, inviting readers to sit and subtract pieces of The Self.
Safer Shores of Me, front cover a white rose washed u[ on the shores of an unknown, but safe land.