Your Majesty, Please, Help Us.

His Majesty, King Charles,

I admire the symbolic nature of your monarchy, I am no anarchist against your reign, but perhaps I am when it comes to the government’s unchecked powers.  Truth be told, I lived and worked in a sultanate state for 5 years and came to learn that a monarch, when permitted to, might just love their people in a way that a centralised, disconnected government never will.

I have suffered immensely at the hands of NHS gross-misconduct and institutionalised negligence, as have my family.  I was forced to fight for 3.5 years against the NHS when they refused to treat my loved one for complex psychosis.  The failure to uphold legislated patient rights resulted in untold damages for all family members, perhaps damages that can never now be repaired.  The crimes committed against my family were reported via all the appropriate channels, with zero repercussions for lawbreaking clinicians being the common result.

This grossly unlawful practice is commonplace, Sir, and it has led me to initiate a collective advocacy project for The People of The UK.  The project began with the writing of, ‘A Manifesto for Change: Dual Diagnosis and Disparity’, a problem-solving essay reflecting on how easy and achievable it would be to save the lives of those being left to die by an unsafe and failing NHS.  Yet, the manifesto felt like only a drop in the ocean of your subjects’ suffering, for there are many more stories to be told, those that we may, together, use and apply to help the human beings that you are duty and honour bound to protect from a corrupt, negligent, misspending government.

Your Majesty, I intend to present to you the stories of your people, one by one, with representative voices filling up a number of anthologies that are being published by Faith in Change Publishing Ltd, my sister company.  For the most part, I am one woman, enraged, devastated, heartbroken and in need of real help.  The help is not here for us, the working and lower-middle class people, Majesty, it simply is not, and many are dying or enduring unbearable levels of suffering as a result.  I have reached out to every avenue available, by doing so, I have ended up here, pleading for the intervention of The Royal Family, who appear to hold keener interest in public health and safety than parliament and NHS governing bodies evidentially do, collectively speaking of course. 

Should you welcome the rise of a new People’s Democratic Republic, one working in coalition with The Royal Family, I imagine the people would be grateful for an alternative choice to this present two-party system.  Just imagine, like a child would, a dream of idealism and love, by envisioning, as I do, a political party combining representatives of every demographic present in the UK.  The People of The UK could elect representatives from all walks of life, such as refuse collection workers, train and tube drivers, teachers and more, then bring their collective plight to your chambers (or the freshly diversified Houses of Parliament).  This way, nobody’s suffering would be strangled and silenced by governmental service red tape. 

Alas, we cannot expect such a change overnight, it would be foolhardy as well as dangerous for the people.  Yet I pray that in the meantime, the anthology and manifesto projects enlighten you as to how fundamentally flawed our political system is and how at-risk your most vulnerable subjects are.  I would not underestimate, Your Majesty, what you may learn about the government’s failures, as well as your own good people’s levels of unbearable, unmanageable suffering, by reading the stories presented within the anthologies and manifestos to come. 

It is my dream to see every human being upon our soil homed and healthy.  That is all.  In fact, as a matter of conforming to and complying with The Human Rights Act (1998), National Health Service Act (1946), Mental Health Act (1987), Health and Care Act (2022), Care Act (2014), Housing Act (2004), Equality Act (2010), and more, parliament should have no other primary target than this.  Should you feel inclined to delve deeper into the issues facing your people, I would appreciate the publicity you and your family might bring to the call for change, that which encourages your many subjects to speak their truth safely and within the confines of anonymity.  I am hopeful that once you become fully enlightened to the suffering of every demographic under your responsible guardianship, to the risks to health, safety and life presenting on this shared soil, that you will step in to protect us from parliament.

Many changes are playing out behind the closed doors of The Houses of Parliament and truth be told, I do not trust that governing body as far as I can… throw.  Secrecy and an utter lack of transparency will be the death of trust and the people have a right to trust those responsible for ‘taking care of them’.  Should The Royal family concur in any way and let go of any fear of the government, I would happily advocate for the reinstallation of power and duty to The Royal Family, with the caveat being that they work in permanent coalition with The People of The UK.  Should The Royal Family have the power of the people sat beside them, the government would have no chance of surviving the coming changes to their paradigms of unethical and corrupt rule (how many political manifestos have failed to be followed through with?  All of them, that’s how it feels anyway).

As it presently stands, I would prefer to speak to you, Majesty, than a member of this parliament that I cannot find it in myself to place faith in.

With love and deepest hope for your full recovery,

Ana Maria Santuario.

p.s. Through all my years of research I stumbled on this cancer treatment facility, Oasis of Hope:

The clinic was banned from opening in the USA for one reason – their treatment works!  Perhaps your treatment providers can learn from one of the more successful cancer treatment pathways available to only the wealthy.  Should it work, perhaps you might personally advocate for such effective cancer treatment pathways for your people too.

p.p.s. Do download the letter and disseminate it among our country people:

© Santuario, Ana Maria (2024). Letters to The World. Faith in Change Publishing, London.

Do you have a letter that you wish to send to the world?

Submissions are open at Faith in Change Publishing, who are creating anthology, after anthology, of UK-focused human interest stories. By claiming our right to our Freedom of Speech in this professional, unguarded, potentially anonymous manner, does the age old tradition of letter writing lend itself to the call for equality, freedom, safety and change?

Collectively, Ana Maria Ltd., The Ana Maria Foundation and Faith in Change Publishing Ltd., work to gather intelligence by embracing the ancient wisdom and power of storytelling. Such powerful data collection can do nothing but provoke change and force forward motion. It is only in the denial and silencing of reality that suffering persists. The foundations have been laid, let us see what we can grow when we work together, for the good of everyone on our soil.

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